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Fundraise and get traction

All-in-one platform for effortless fundraising

ElleQuant helps you in all steps of your fundraising
process. Powerful, accurate and simple.
Reduce the time to fundraise and focus on what's important, your Company Growth.

Our Clients

Our main Features

Profile automatically shared with investors

Get finally noticed by the right investors without effort. We automatically transfer your business profile to all relevant investors.

Extended Investor databases

There is a large cost of missing the right investors. Get access to extended investor databases (Business Angels, VC, CVC etc).

Coaching, Negociation, Closing

Whether you need fundraising coaching, negotiation support, or closing tips, our professional team of investors is by your side every step of the way, ultimately working for your fundraising success.

The very best use ElleQuant

The new way to run

Manage it yourself or a receive support from our professional investor teams.

Keep your fundraising easy

With ElleQuant, gain access to a full stack of fundraising tools. Powerful, simple, and designed by investment professionals.
Time saved. More relevant audience. Less effort.

Automated Replays

Compare your Company Performance (Revenue, Growth rate, FTE) or Fundraising Performance (nb of match, nb of interesed fund, nb of active fund looking at your) to your peers.

Smooth, Effortless, and Frictionless Fundraising

Usage-based pricing that matches your needs. Cancel anytime.


Free access to ElleQuant. You will gain access to essential tools and resources to experiment in the market.

  • Investor databases
  • Profile referencing to funds


Great offer for a company just starting its fundraising process. You will gain access to essential tools and resources to experiment in the market.

  • Investor databases
  • 100 download each month (coming soon)
  • Profile referencing to funds
Most popular


Unlock your fundraising potential with our comprehensive support, tools, and expert guidance, making the process effortless and effective.

  • Investor databases and contacts (email, phone, etc)
  • 500 download each month (coming soon)
  • Profile appears in the investors news feed


Perfect for companies seeking professional support and fully committed to fundraising success. Significantly increase the odds of securing funding quickly.

Talk to US
Contact Us
  • Investor databases and contacts (email, phone, etc)
  • 2.000 download each month
  • Profile autofeeded in Investors Pipeline and Dealflow

Reveal the full potential of your Investment Strategy

Data-Driven Platform for VC-PE Funds